With summer finally upon us, it is a good time to revisit proper sun protection practices. We at Summit Dermatology have created a list of recommendations for sun protection and proper sunscreen use to keep your skin healthy in our high altitude and sunny climate in Colorado Springs.

Recommendations for Sun Protection and Sunscreen
For children under 6 months of age it’s best to keep them in the shade and covered. Though no toxicity has been shown in infants and young children, the recommendation is to not use sunscreen in this age group if other options are available like protective clothing.
Children 6 months and older – Use a sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which is most appropriate for their sensitive skin. Even when using sunscreen, keep children in the shade and dress them in clothing that will protect their skin from the sun.
Adults – Broad spectrum sunscreen UVA/UVB of at least an SPF 30 (50 is recommended at our altitude and in the mountains). Sunscreen needs to be applied at least 15 minutes before exposure, and reapplied every two hours, to all exposed skin.
Some clothes are SPF rated. Two big manufacturers of sun protective clothes are Solumbra at www.sunprecautions.com and Coolibar at www.coolibar.com
Heliocare is an OTC anti-oxidant pill that increases the time it takes to burn UV exposed skin. Though this product cannot be given an SPF it compares to an SPF 3-5. We recommend this once daily pill as an adjunct to be used in addition to sunscreens, not instead of them.
The latest recommended sunscreens by Consumer Reports in 2020 include the following:
Recommended Sunscreen Lotions
Coppertone Ultra Guard Lotion SPF 70
Solimo (Amazon) General Protection Lotion SPF 50
Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch Ultra Radiance Lotion SPF 50
Blue Lizard Sport Mineral-Based Lotion SPF 30+
Recommended Spray Sunscreens (Uniform coverage is difficult)
Trader Joe’s Spray SPF 50+
Neutrogena Beach Defense Water + Sun Protection Spray SPF 70 sunscreen
Hawaiian Tropic Island Sport Ultra Light Spray SPF 30
Alba Botanica Hawaiian Coconut Clear Spray SPF 50
Recommended Facial Sunscreen
Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Face Lotion SPF 70
Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration Weightless Face Lotion SPF 30
Recommended Lip Balm For Sun Protection
Aquaphor Lip Protectant + Sunscreen SPF 30